Thursday, December 5, 2013

Runkeeper and my Garmin GPS

The problem

I am an avid user. I log every hike, every bike ride, everything. I have used two devices: my android phone, and a Garmin Vista hcx GPS. The later is particularly useful for my long hikes: It is sturdy, waterproof and batteries last very long.

My problem with my Garmin GPS is that something in the way it logs my tracks makes Runkeeper assume I am doing constant pauses, and resuming a few meters later. This takes all calculations (distance, total climb) very far off what I get from what I get from Mapsource or Google Earth. And this cannot happen in Runkeeper where I expect to have every possible statistic of my activities!

This has been happening on my activities for the last 2 or 3 years of Runkeeper usage...

Why now?

Long ago (Aug 2011) I reported this issue to the support team. This was their reply:
From: Jake
Subject: Problem in climb calculation

Hernan, no known issues with Climb calculation, it appears you have a large number of pause/resume points in this activity, which may be what accounts for the discrepancy.  It looks like there were gaps between pause points that may have accounted for large elevation change.  If you track an activity continuously, do you notice the same discrepancy?

Here'e how we calculate climb....

View this Discussion online:

Unfortunately the link is now broken -- they have moved their forums, and apparently, garbage-collected old tickets. A total shame :(

This is why I have been using my phone more and more, and my GPS unit less. But after a 3-day hike where I really had to use the GPS, I decided to fix the issue...

The hack

The idea is really simple: Just make the tracks I upload "smoother", by adding points whenever two points differ in time (or distance, or elevation?) beyond what Runkeeper would consider a 'break'.

Normally, I load all my tracks to a .gdb file (from MapSource), and run scripts to export each track to all .gpx, .tcx and .kml -- just in case! Then I upload the .gpx or .tcx to Runkeeper. So I decided to do some post-processing of these files.

I found gpxpy, a Python library to read and write GPX format. One of the examples in the github page already parses out a file, and even prints some statistics -- almost exactly what I need. So what was left to me to do was to complete this, and I came up with the python script I am attaching at the end.


I have uploaded and re-uploaded my 3-day hike, and now the numbers look much more accurate. There are still some pauses, but they may be totally true -- these are 10-hour hikes, and they do have pauses -- just not every minute.

Here is an image of my activity before fixing the track:
and this is the same activity, after the fix:
note the improvements: 1608m climbed (against 439), 12.95km instead of 11.07km, and a much cleaner curve!

I would love to receive feedback from other users -- as well as Runkeeper staff! For me, it is not a big deal if my GPS is too old or incapable or producing the correct input formats for them. I will keep loving and using Runkeeper!

If you found this article useful, or need help trying to use the code yourself, please leave a comment!

PS: The source code


  1. Nice idea,

    I was thinking to add a function gpx.join_segments(filter) where filter is a function with the last point od one segment and the first of next... if filter returns True the two segments will be joined otherwise not. And then computing a smooth() on the resulting track. Maybe this could do a similar trick?

    tk (gpxpy author)

    1. In my tracks I did not have too many segments created: I kept my GPS on all day long (powering off only during the night) for 3 days, so I just "smooth()ed" the only 3 segments I got.
      But probably joining AND smoothing would be a similar usecase to mine, if your gps device creates multiple segments for whichever reason. If you want we can discuss more, and perhaps evolve this script to to that as well.

      Would you want to contact me privately? or send me your gps data so I can see the details?

  2. Can the lattitude, longitude information of all the running tracks in a certain area be fetched from run keeper. Please help me out

    1. I ignore how their APIs work, in order to programmatically fetch all of your activities, but if you are willing to do it one by one -- you can do it in their website.

      In their Advanced menu, when viewing an activity, you can download the track data in GPX or KML formats. This is the complete information for the track. I hope it helps!

  3. Hey Hernán,

    Just thought I'd say thanks for this, had the exact same problem trying to import google tracks into runkeeper. Your script above sorted me out in no time.

    I had to import math and do math.ceil, but that's probably something to do with my python version.

    Anyway great stuff, thank you.

    1. Glad to know if helped someone other than myself! I still have not improved the script, since I mostly use my phone for short tracks... but I look into the math.ceil (maybe I also need that now after updating my own setup) and will keep you posted on updates.

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